
Praise God, oh America.

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Praise God oh, America!

By GrilledEelHamatsu

America sing, Sing oh great country! Vengence is ours and the Lord's! For he has delivered our enemy into our hands.
Public Enemy #1 Osama Bin Laden is DEAD. He didn't die naturally, he was destroyed. Not by a missle, but by a bullet to the head. Our soliders the Navy SEALS were annioted to
find Bin Laden and take him down as a sniper takes down his target. Don't weep for Bin Laden oh people. Shout "Ha,Ha, your dead!" For he deserved no mercy.
None to a spoiled,womanizing,extreme,rich bigoted mass murderer. Who on an late summer day on September 11,2001. Convinced 6 followers to hijack 4 planes, and kill thousands of
innocent people all in the name of Jihad. Al Qaeda, understand this: You're reign of terror is over. The head of the viper has been decaptitated. Your leader is no more. How will you fight?You won't for you'll flee home in defeat.

Praise The Lord for Barack Husssein Obama! The Hawaiian,milano black man named after the captian of the guard in the book of Judges! For the Lord appointed him to kill The biggest villian America has ever faced.
For though the SEALS carried out the mission, President Obama gave the orders "Shoot to kill". As a King orders his soliders to destroy.
For America can now sleep, rest easy. For on Sunday May 1,2011 eight years to the day his Predessessor Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" in a war that allowed Bin Laden to get away,
President Obama confirmed the news, that he ordered a special mission to find Osama and kill him. The raid turned out to be a huge success. Oh great city of New York! Wave your flags. Shout "Victory is ours".
For the twin towers' ghost and the blood of those innocent people cries no more for vengence. Justice is served.
In the farmland of Shanskville,PA. The brave passengers on United 93 have now completed thier mission. They had averted Assassination, now they can rest for
the man responsible for thier demise is burning in hell. The 500 pentagon workers now rest peacefully.

Ha,Ha, Osama. Welcome to hell! Hope you enjoy those 72 demons that will sodomize you everyday for the rest of your life.
Say hello to Hilter and Stalin down there as well. Looks like your own allies couldn't save you. Neither could your porn. Now the chapter of 9-11 finally closes. Life goes on, terrorism continues, but Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda will never threaten or
terrorize America again. Now we can leave Afgan. Let the people there handle thier problems, let's get back on track USA.

I sing with great joy! You should sing too and shout it loud "Thank you,for getting Bin Laden". The Christians shout "Thank you Lord, for President Obama"!
Justice is served! After nearly a decade, Osama Bin Laden is finally killed and vengence is finally rewarded to our country for the 3,000 Americans that were killed by this monster. What Bush couldn't do in eight years only took Obama 2. We now have the victory, and should savor this moment.

I know my, song sounds a bit cliched. But I wrote in the same style as those old Moses era-victory songs.
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